Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Cold War Yields Cold Feet

We have forgotten the lessons prior to the Cold War; there is good and evil, and the enemy is defeated by dominance not appeasement. Liberty is good, tyranny is evil. Dominance is demonstrated with the strength of a swift, precise military force fighting against the evil forces that seek to destroy liberty.
Fascist groups have always had a terrorist mindset with a particular focus on the destruction of all that stands for truth, the good, and the beautiful. Truth can be found in such phrases as “…endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights…” The good can be written with beginnings like “We the People…” And the beautiful can be heard in lyrics like “…And crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea!”
The Cold War has given us the lesson that deterrence-type defensive strategies lead only to a stalemate not victory. This gives the enemy time to regroup, resettle, and reignite. In a stalemate, the enemy learns to disguise evil with its promotion of tolerance and moral equivalency. During a stalemate, the enemy rewrites history so the idle easily forget who is who in the battle between good and evil. The battle lines are simply hidden by the shadow of loose borders, de-militarized zones, and militia-occupied territories.
Terrorist nations are learning the lessons of the Cold War. For example, Iran can sustain a silent war within a sovereign nation, like the young democratic state of Lebanon, by transforming the hearts of the Lebanese who once spoke-up for “Freedom, Sovereignty, and Independence” to its new Nazrallah slogan: “Death to America…and no solution…except with the disappearance of Israel.”
Groups like Hezbollah have learned that its longevity exists in transforming itself into a "legitimate" political party, yet without the loss of its military strong arm. The future of global power rests in the war between "The West" and "The Rest." The West has become complacent in its global influence while "The Rest" patiently wait for the moment to rise and conquer (not appease) its enemy. And who is the leading political force behind "The Rest?" It is the rise of terrorism…while The West remains stiff with cold feet.

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